Malis Living Gravestone

Honest Trans Thoughts

this is not some bigger essay but just me rambling a bit

Trans people can often not be fully honest with how we feel, as we are already not taken seriously and often questioned, so if we also start talking about our insecurities and doubts, that will be used against us.
Theres a lot of pressure to lie and exaggerate about our feelings in order to fit into the cis idea of trans people.

With that said here are some of my feelings.

As a trans person you kind of have to fight for being gay compared to cis gay people.
I am bisexual so I'll be seen as gay either way but for me to be seen as gay for liking women, I have to put effort into being seen as one first and that's frustrating.
People are still more likely to call me gay for liking men which sucks but the thing is, I wouldn't describe my relation to men as straight either.
I know that's technically it, and I'm not non binary I'm fairly sure, but it just still feels queer to like men.
Perhaps it's because I first realized my queerness through liking men and while some trans women talk about how their attraction to women was always sapphic, that is just not something I feel.
I don't think my attraction to women was all to different from other cis boys and it feels weird to call my attraction to men straight now because I just still see it as inherently queer, though maybe not "gay" in that sense.

Sometimes trans men or trans masc people will still call themselves lesbians because that's a term they used for a while and still relate to and I think in a similar fashion I still connect to the gayness that is bisexual men liking other men, even if I'm not a man.

published: 03.07.23
last update: 01.03.24