
- updated my favs section
- updated content in my art gallerys
- added plushies page in "about me"


- changed up "about me" section layout
- updated content in my art gallerys and changed the layout for the image viewing.
- updated some OC pages
- added a html/ css tutorials section (linked from main page or recources)
- added essays
- fixed the mobile view in more pages


added a few essays and fixed the mobile view on essays and my diary and transition section


added a bit of content in gallerys, recommendation
updated cursor animation


added content in gallerys, ocs, recommendation, recources
added more to essays and Thoughts
slight changes to layout in a few places
made new placeholder cursor animation


added an oc section and the first 2 entries
updated my art gallery adding some pixel art
added nsfw art gallery with first entries


added more content to sfw art gallery
more content on recommendations;
more content on my favs
more content on my transition under the about me section


added backgrounds and changed layouts
added content to "transition" and "diary" section
content to my art section and the recommendation list


change up backgrounds and aesthetic; added content overall; added diary and transition section; added reading aid; first essay; proper credit secion; added fonts; changed scrollbar


added content to recommendations; made sfw gallery function and added first content; made layout for essays and recources; added content to recources and my favorite things


added title card; added content and layout to reccomendations/ my art/ about me; some smaller sidechanges to layout/content


changed layout slightly & added layout for other pages + started to layout some of the content


fixed up the general layout and added the most important hyperlinks as well as an animation for the cursor